Lambeth Design Guide SPD

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Have your say on our revised draft guidance for new development in Lambeth

The Revised Draft Lambeth Design Guide SPD sets out draft guidance to support the implementation of Lambeth Local Plan policies relating to the design of the built environment. An initial draft of this SPD, at that time called the Draft Lambeth Design Code SPD, was published for consultation between 11 February and 7 April 2020. Thank you to those who took the time to review and comment on the first consultation. This SPD incorporates revisions following the first consultation. Additional content has also been included on the topics of retrofit, safer spaces and child-friendly design. We hope you find the document informative and useful.

The consultation period for the SPD starts on the 8th July 2022 ends on 2nd September 2022 and we want to make sure that Lambeth residents and people who visit and work in Lambeth have an opportunity to comment on the SPD before the consultation ends. So we would like to encourage you to share news of the Design Guide SPD with your neighbours and people in your network who may be interested in how Lambeth plans to secure good quality development and places.

Your feedback will be reviewed and used to inform any amendments to the draft SPD. This will be the last opportunity to comment on the draft SPD before it is finalised. It is anticipated that the final SPD will be adopted as planning guidance in Autumn 2022.

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Posted on 11th July 2022

by Lambeth Conservation and Urban Design Team