
Part 4: Buildings Alterations, Extensions and Retrofit


Using illustrations and photographs this part of the SPD provides advice on how to alter, extend and retrofit typical Lambeth building types. It is an update of the existing Building Alterations and Extensions SPD (2015). Where relevant guidance is given on conservation best practice.  

Building Alterations, Extensions and Retrofit

Part 4 provides detailed design advice to householders and designers considering alteration, retrofit and/or extension work to existing buildings.

Following first consultation the revised SPD now includes further guidance on retrofit. There is also additional guidance on living roofs. The 'Sustainability’ section has been enhanced significantly to include guidance on thermal upgrade, external insulation, draught-proofing, ventilation, thermal bridging, heat pumps and windows. 

Check out the following document:

Revised Draft Lambeth Design Guide SPD P4 Building alterations and extensions.pdf
Revised Draft Lambeth Design Guide SPD P4 Building alterations and extensions.pdf
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