
Part 2: Design advice for all development


This chapter covers important over-arching considerations such as inclusive environments, active environments, amenity, community safety, child friendly design, public realm, outdoor space, urban greening, biodiversity, shop fronts, building construction detailing, and boundary treatments. With each topic the draft SPD identifies common issues and offers advice to designers. For example, the Amenity section includes advice on matters such as visual amenity, privacy / overlooking, outlook/ sense of enclosure, daylight and sunlight, noise and vibration, odour, air quality, building lighting; and the importance of dual-aspect dwellings. 

Design advice for all development

Part 2 covers over-arching considerations such as inclusive environments, active environments, amenity, community safety, child-friendly borough, public realm, outdoor space, urban greening, biodiversity, shopfronts, building construction detailing and boundary treatments.

Following the first consultation the revised draft SPD now includes issues such as active environments, child friendly design and includes additional guidance on urban greening, biodiversity and sustainable drainage.

Check out the following document:

Revised Draft Lambeth Design Guide SPD P2 Design advice for all development.pdf
Revised Draft Lambeth Design Guide SPD P2 Design advice for all development.pdf
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