
Part 1: Introducing Lambeth


This chapter explains the local policy context and provides an introduction to Lambeth’s character/ local distinctiveness based on the Lambeth Local Distinctiveness Study, 2012. It explains that Lambeth is an evolving place and stresses the borough’s commitment to delivering good design through the provision of a pre-application advice service and review of schemes by Lambeth’s independent Design Review Panel.

Introducing Lambeth

Part 1 sets out the local policy context and provides an introduction to Lambeth's character. It outlines the borough's commitment to delivering good design.

Following the first consultation Part 1 of the SPD has been revised to reflect updated policy context such as the London Plan 2021 and Lambeth Local Plan 2021. Additional content has also been included on the climate emergency.

Check out the following document:

Revised Draft Lambeth Design Guide SPD P1 Introducing Lambeth.pdf
Revised Draft Lambeth Design Guide SPD P1 Introducing Lambeth.pdf
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